Parsing options in Elixir
Options are often done in a keyword list in Elixir. The problem with this is that keyword lists are order-bound. This means that pattern matching is going to be hard the first time, and it is a problem I had when creating MapGrid.
You may expect the pattern to match when you try the following:
defp work(async: true, should_run: true), do: async_work()
defp work(async: false, should_run: true), do: sync_work()
defp work(_), do: :ok
Then you try to run the command:
work(should_run: true, async: false)
But this will not match, since it is order dependent and you want to match on multiple options or an arbitrary amount of options it will fail to match.
Here is the way I solved it, it is not the perfect solution, and might not be the only one out there, but I think it makes for an elegant flow which is easily understandable and extendable.
defp work(opts) do
opts_map = Enum.into(opts, %{})
defp do_work(%{async: true, should_run: true}), do: async_work()
defp do_work(%{async: false, should_run: true}), do: sync_work()
Now when running the following code it will work:
work(should_run: true, async: false)
This is because keyword lists are order dependent, and maps are not. So when we call the Enum.into function we basically convert it into a map we can easily match on. In my opinion this is a much neater solution than having a list of if-statements to control the flow.
It is also used in the MapGrid code, with multiple optionable features which can be toggled (the options are converted into a map first):
defp apply_options(item, options) do
|> apply_function(options)
|> reduce_to_keys(options)
defp apply_function(item, %{item_function: function}), do: function.(item)
defp apply_function(item, _), do: item
defp reduce_to_keys(item, %{keys: keys}) do
Enum.reduce(keys, [], &[{&1, Map.get(item, &1)} | &2])
defp reduce_to_keys(item, _), do: item
Here it will always return the item and I can easily add more functions like this to the pipeline in apply_options. If you think there are other better ways to handle options please let me know.